I was doing really well! Fantabulous actually! My period has hit and I craved everything in sight! Nothing, NOTHING was going to stop me from getting my hands on every bit of food in this house! I ate, then ate some more, then just to be sure, ate into oblivion!
Funk it!! I am now orbiting into a zit hell and I basically feel like crap. All that good food was actually working. I felt better, fitter and healthier. The last 2 days have reassured me that greasy laden fried food does nothing but make you feel like you need to crap semi truck from your bowel!!
I haven't felt like exercising with the flow of Mississippi between my thighs but I will force myself out later tonight. Hubby (Johno) has been a rain of support. What would I do without him? He is trying his hardest to understand and keep me motivated but he will just have to ride this one out, just as I do.
Tomorrow is another day. I am not even going to bother noting my daily intake of food. I will just put the last 2 days down to PMSing with a vengeance and I will continue on like nothing happened! Now to go and move that truck!
Hi, Caz! Thanks for the great comment you left over at my blog! I'm glad to get to know you. The Air Force, eh? Good for you. I went to nursing school for awhile but had to quit (family emergency) and never got back to it. Keep going after what you want!
Hormones are evil. It will pass. Hope it passes soon for you.
and today is yet another day :)
(funny how that works huh?)
and a new week.
how you feeling now?
One day at a time. And if that doesn't work, surgery will. JUST KIDDING! :D
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